auth("read"); $userData = $api->auth_checkToken($_SESSION['phpFlickr_auth_token']); if ($api->getErrorMsg() !== false) { die("Error: ".$api->getErrorMsg()); } $userNSID = $userData['user']['nsid']; //Get this db started if (!$connection = @ mysql_connect($mysql_server, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass)) die("Can't connect to the database!"); if (!mysql_select_db($mysql_db, $connection)) die("Error " . mysql_errno() . " : " . mysql_error()); $sets = $api->photosets_getList($userNSID); if ($api->getErrorMsg() !== false) { die("Error: ".$api->getErrorMsg()); } if (isset($sets['photoset'])) { foreach ($sets['photoset'] as $photoset) { $msg = ""; $photosetID = 0; $photosetFlickrID = $photoset['id']; $photosetCount = $photoset['photos']; $photosetTitle = $photoset['title']; $photosetDescription = $photoset['description']; //Insert this set into the db, grab the setID $selquery = "SELECT SetID FROM sets WHERE FlickrID = '$photosetFlickrID'"; if (!$setexists = @ mysql_query ($selquery, $connection)) printMySQLerror(); if (mysql_num_rows($setexists) == 0) { $photosetTitle = mysql_real_escape_string($photosetTitle, $connection); $photosetDescription = mysql_real_escape_string($photosetDescription, $connection); $insquery = "INSERT INTO sets SET FlickrID = '$photosetFlickrID', Title = '$photosetTitle', Description = '$photosetDescription'"; if (!$add = @ mysql_query ($insquery, $connection)) printMySQLerror(); $selmax = "SELECT MAX(SetID) AS MaxID FROM sets"; if (!$result = @ mysql_query ($selmax, $connection)) printMySQLerror(); while($newID = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $photosetID = $newID[0]; } $msg .= "Added set $photosetTitle to the db. "; } else { while($oldID = mysql_fetch_row($photoexists)) { $photosetID = $oldID[0]; //ignore this one for now } } if ($photosetID == 0) { print "Error. PhotosetID wasn't found."; next; } //Grab the photos from this set //$pages = ceil($photosetCount / $max_per_page); //phpFlickr doesn't support photoset paging get right to it: $photos = $api->photosets_getPhotos($photosetFlickrID); if ($api->getErrorMsg() !== false) { print "Error: ".$api->getErrorMsg()."

"; next; } if (isset($photos['photo'])) { foreach ($photos['photo'] as $photo) { $photoID = 0; $photoFlickrID = $photo['id']; $isPrimary = $photo['isprimary']; //Find the local photo ID $query = "SELECT photoID FROM photos WHERE FlickrID = $photoFlickrID"; if (!$result = @ mysql_query ($query, $connection)) printMySQLerror(); while($id = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $photoID = $id[0]; } if ($photoID == 0) { print "Error: local photo ID wasn't found for photo $photoFlickrID.
"; next; } //Add the photoID, setID combo to the photosets table $selquery = "SELECT SetPhotoID FROM setphotos WHERE PhotoID = $photoID AND SetID = $photosetID"; if (!$setphotoexists = @ mysql_query ($selquery, $connection)) printMySQLerror(); if (mysql_num_rows($setphotoexists) == 0) { $insquery = "INSERT INTO setphotos SET PhotoID = $photoID, SetID = $photosetID, IsPrimary = $isPrimary"; if (!$add = @ mysql_query ($insquery, $connection)) { printMySQLerror(); } else { $msg .= "Photo $photoID added to set $photosetTitle.
"; } } } } print $msg."
"; flush(); ob_flush(); sleep(1); //take a breathers } } function printMySQLerror() { print "Error: " . mysql_errno() . " : " . mysql_error() . "
"; }