
  • I miss the old Google Reader sharing features too. It'll be interesting to see if this new effort will get enough users to make the sharing features work as well as they did at Google. [via waxy]
  • Mat Honan is experiencing a nightmare cascade failure of interconnected services. This is a good reminder to back things up and make sure your passwords are unique for each service.
  • "I thought it would be interesting to produce a kind of personal encylopedia: each volume cataloguing the links for a whole year." Great idea, a physical copy of your Pinboard/Delicious links.
  • "After using all the UI richness available for such a long time to make beautiful and differentiated products, app designers have realized that the user's work, not their own, is the star of the show."
  • "So maybe, instead of waiting for the MPAA’s next law and changing our Twitter avatars for a few days in protest, it would be more productive to significantly reduce or eliminate our support of the MPAA member companies starting today, and start supporting campaign finance reform."
  • Russ Cox explains how the retired Google Code Search used to work. It includes links to a similar project you can install locally to search code using the same method.
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