
  • Excerpts from the style sheet of the Kansas City Star, where Ernest Hemingway worked as a reporter in 1917.
  • Yes, this. There's no easy answer. "So the dis­cus­sion is re­ally about whether, on one hand, you build your mo­bile app with JavaScript and HTML and CSS, or on the other, you ship com­piled code that talks to a frame­work like Co­coa­Touch or An­droid or Win­Phone7."
  • Write an HTML5/JavaScript app and PhoneGap will turn it into a native app for various mobile devices including iPhone, Android, and Blackberry.
  • Still in Alpha, but this looks like a great way to speed-up mobile site development. The form elements demo is impressive.
  • Another JavaScript charting library.
  • Interesting thinking about the current state of weblogs. Will all blog-like activity be consumed by Facebook, or will new tools emerge to help with privacy? And how do private blogs mix with public tools like Newsreaders? Complicated questions to answer.
  • Nelson has a good roundup of the issues surrounding the Wikileaks story.
  • "Whatever restrictions we eventually end up enacting, we need to keep Wikileaks alive today, while we work through the process democracies always go through to react to change. If it’s OK for a democracy to just decide to run someone off the internet for doing something they wouldn’t prosecute a newspaper for doing, the idea of an internet that further democratizes the public sphere will have taken a mortal blow."
  • "If you host your content on a commercial provider or on a social network, there are different points at which you can be cut off." The Wikileaks case is pointing out a weakness in the completely libertarian web ideal.
  • The case for Instagram. I must be a photography snob. I can not see the appeal of a community based solely on heavily-filtered photos. 
  • Nice sanity check in the mobile Web App vs. Native App debate. Often a Web App will do.
  • "A naval officer told the present writer that he had often, when on deck, been both amused and surprised at the accuracy with which some of these girls used this form of signalling out of pure fun." People have always found ways to communicate over distances.
  • Interesting take on Montessori-inspired apps: "In a Montessori classroom, children work from the concrete to the abstract. I fear that exposing young children to virtual Montessori materials may hamper this important developmental process."
  • Tax patriotism is on the rise!
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