Zombie Python
Back in 2015 I ruined good art by Audubon, Rothko, and Albers with a Python script that creates a low poly version of an image. I put the script on GitHub and forgot about it.
Until today! Someone submitted a pull request that updates the script for python 3 and some newer versions of the dependencies. I got it running again to test it out:
This is a low poly version of Van Gogh's Wheatfield with Crows.
In conclusion, coding in public is good and maybe there's a hidden demand for generating triangles with Python.
Until today! Someone submitted a pull request that updates the script for python 3 and some newer versions of the dependencies. I got it running again to test it out:

This is a low poly version of Van Gogh's Wheatfield with Crows.
In conclusion, coding in public is good and maybe there's a hidden demand for generating triangles with Python.