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The folks who produce Cool Tools have a side hustle (?) newsletter called Recomendo. Each week they send six recommendations of cool stuff. Most of the time it's a product or tool (like Cool Tools) but sometimes it's a tech tip or an article. It's always great. And they recently packaged up 500 of their recommendations into a book: Recomendo: 500 brief reviews of cool stuff. Now we have an answer to the age-old question: who will recommend the recommenders? This guy.
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If you work in a pixel-adjacent industry, you'll enjoy this newsletter by Kai Brach who produced Offscreen Magazine. This newsletter recently changed its name from Offscreen but it's the same focus: humane design & developer news. Kai also recently wrote a behind-the-scenes look at producing DD: A look behind Dense Discovery: creating a fully customised weekly newsletter.
Mule Mule
image from Mule
Good morning Newsletter Wednedsay fans! I have been a fan of Mule Design Studio since I lived in California eons ago walking around wearing this provocative shirt they designed. Their monthly-ish newsletter includes a handful of short posts from personal stories to global news. Sure it promotes their upcoming talks and books and events as well, but those things are good and you won't mind. This link is to their blog which I guess you could also subscribe to but this post is about their newsletter which you can sign up for at the very bottom. Your design mind will thank you.
Remember podcasts? They're an industry now where people have careers and businesses grow and thrive. Hot Pod tracks this burgeoning industry so you don't have to. I like to pick up suggestions for podcasts I might be interested in, but hearing how companies are investing (or not) in podcasting is also interesting and I don't see this news covered anywhere else. This Newsletter Wednesday was brought to you by Squares...sorry, can't do it.
In focus on this Newsletter Wednesday is Austin Kleon's newsletter. You may remember Austin from his books about creative work like Steal Like an Artist or his latest Keep Going. Each week he shares 'ten things worth sharing' and I always find interesting fuel for thought. I'm also inspired by the personal tone of his writing and it's something I'd like this blog to get closer to as it grows up.

Shift Happens Newsletter

I am just never going to make my giant email newsletter list post and I have another one to recommend. If you're interested in the history of computing, keyboards, or the ways people interact with machines you should follow Marcin Wichary's progress on his book Shift Happens. Yesterday's update was a love letter to the KPH Radio Station in Marin County, CA which preserves decades of keyboards devoted to maritime communication: A time machine behind the cypress trees. And to catch up with Wichary's obsession you can't go wrong with Matt Haughey's interview with him on Hobby Horse: Marcin Wichary quit his job for his love of keyboards.

The Interface Newsletter

I keep meaning to write a long post about email newsletters, how I manage them in Gmail, and which ones I subscribe to. Instead I'll just recommend one newsletter that has been fantastic lately: Casey Newton's The Interface. If you're interested in how our Internet ecosystem works (or doesn't work) you'll enjoy it.
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